Amanda Gentry - Letting Go Lyrics

Waking up to a brand new day as I start the beinging to the end of mylast year of high school. In the past 3 years I was able to understandhigh school life and the heartbreaks but that has taught me it wasn'ttrue love and I could move on. The first day I saw you I put that allaside and let you in because the first day I met you I felt safe butpuzzled but you smiled which made me believe what I now realize was alie but I didn't know until it was too late. You followed me the firstday I met you and you looked at me and you knew I had to get surgery tofix my heart and I told you when I come back I will be very careful notto let it break and you promised to keep it safe. A few weeks pass Iwas hanging with out at our spot during our lunch time then you told meI had to leave in ten minutes then the girl who I knew you were hurtingme with comes walking down the hall and I turned back and looked at youwith tears in my eyes and I said and I thought you loved me when truthis you only loved yourself and being who you are. Weeks turned intomonths and you made it harder and harder on me to go through the daywithout getting caught up in your feelings for me everytime I wrote youa note the class before just to make sure you would show I was donewith that because I was ready to let go. Then Feburary 14th came and Itold myself and my friend I'm not going to write him a note because hehas been tottaly ignoring the fact I caught him in a lie and I don'tlike this holiday so I became upset and went to our stairs spot andcried by the wall. Then as I got up to leave I heard someone come upthe stairs and I ran because I thought it was a teacher so I began torun down the hallway then I heard your voice say "Happy Valentines DayAmanda" I turned back and before I did I said to myself is this forreal so I got myself togther before I turned around and when I did youwere already walking towards me. You said what's wrong I said yourmaking this hard on me because I have fallen so hard for you and whenwe break apart we always come back togther but it's killing me becausewe both know we are falling hard for each other but I told you I had tolet go but now its even harder then before. Then you kissed me and youpromised to stick with me forever and who knew your version of foreverexpires the day after I start trusting you again. I realized the timehas come and its really hard for me to do this but I'm letting go Idon't want to but I know its for the best my fate was in and is stillin your hands letting go of you will and is the hardest thing i had todo but i know that if we were really meant to be you would haverealized that i did love and still am falling hard but im afraidbecause you wont show me that you truly love me i know you and you cantell i do or i wouldnt keep coming back. But for now I have to say thisI'm letting go of all of this hurt and crying and my fate is still inyour hands but I hope you relaize that letting go of you was thehardest thing I had to do but it had to be done and I will be hurt butI will find the strength to move on i just hope you realize i will missyou and im letting go so i can find myself and start my future and imletting go of the past old me that you used and hurt. God has just gavemy brain a clear start and I'm letting go of all the past and the liesand moving forward to start my life as a soon to be last teen year 19and I am happy that I am free. I'm letting go but remeber this I Willalways be there my old hurt heart and self and mind is with you but youwont ruin my new life because im letting go. This isnt a goodbye its agoodbye to the old me yes but to you its a flash before your eyessaying you pushed me to a good place showing me i do and i have alwayshad the strength to say im letting go

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